
Getting User Token and Cell ID

For a new user to start, the new user should get Amplabs “user_token” and “cell_id” first.

How to add “user_token” and “cell_id” to your code snippet.

  1. Go to the website, and click “try Amplabs Cloud”.

  2. Sign up and log into Amplabs Cloud. There, on the top right menu, click “get API token”.

  3. Copied the token into the “ipynb” file in Jupyter notebook or Google Colab to replace the “your-token” in the “user_token = ‘your-token’ ” line.

  4. In the Amplabs Cloud page that has been logged in, choose a sample at the left side of the webpage and click “Load” at the top left.

  5. Copy the “Cell Id” and paste it into the “ipynb” file in Jupyter notebook or Google Colab to replace the “your-cell-id” in the “cell_id = ‘your-cell-id’” line.

After getting Amplabs’ “user_token” and “cell_id,” using the Amplabs battery data visualization Jupyter notebook file is the next step.

Installing Jupyter Notebook

If you don’t know what Jupyter Notebook is, it is a tool that makes Python easier to program. To install Jupyter notebook, there are 2 options below:

  • Open a terminal, type “pip install jupyter”. Once installed, type “jupyter notebook” in the terminal to open Jupyter notebook.

  • Open a terminal, type “pip install jupyterlab”. Once installed, type “jupyter-lab” in the terminal to open Jupyter Lab.

The first option is recommended for its ease to use, but any option is fine.

How to Use Jupyter Notebook Example

  • Open the Jupyter notebook file in the Jupyter notebook program.

  • Click “run” in Jupyter notebook.

  • The Jupyter notebook file first asks the user to input the “user_token” and “cell_id” at the very beginning. Type your “user_token” and “cell_id”.

  • The Jupyter notebook file should have enough instructions on how to proceed. Some notable things that the Jupyter notebook file describes include the difference between “Amplabs timeseries data” and “Amplabs cycle data,” and the fact that the user only needs to define 3 things to get the data plots they want: data point number limit, x-axis column name, y-axis column name.